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Just Quotes and Sayings
Quotes about Just and Love

Welcome to these Just Quotes from my large collection of Love Quotes and Sayings. Please enjoy these Quotes about Just and Love.

The magic words for a great relationship are,
"I love you just the way you are."
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Related topics: Romantic Love Favorite-Quotes

Just when the caterpillar thought
the world was over, it became a butterfly.
- Anonymous

Everything is a miracle,
not just the beautiful and lovely things.
- Anonymous

Everyone is a prisoner of his own experiences.
No one can eliminate prejudices -
just recognize them.
- Edward R. Murrow

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"Just living is not enough," said the butterfly,
"one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower."
- Hans Christian Andersen

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble.
It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
- Mark Twain (attributed)

A friend is someone who knows all about you,
and loves you just the same.
- Elbert Hubbard

Know the power and the peace of saying,
"I love you just the way you are."
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Just because it's true, I say as often as I can
in as many ways as I can form, "I sure love you."
- Mary Anne Radmacher

Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing,
of just going along,
listening to all the things you can't hear,
and not bothering.
- A. A. Milne (Winnie-The-Pooh)

If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.
- Mother Teresa

Love doesn't just sit there like a stone;
it has to be made,like bread,
remade all the time, made new.
- Ursula K. Le Guin

The River of Life has no meaning,
no good, no bad, no better, no worse,
no love, no hate, no fear, no anger, no joy.
The River of Life has no judgment, no expectation.
The River of Life just IS.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Is today a day to gather strength from the storm -
a day to to learn life lessons for the next battle?
Or is today a day to sit by the fire
and watch the storm rage outside?
Either way, the storm is just life.
Give thanks for all of Life.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Life is NOT "Supposed to be Fair."
Know that there is no single way that life is "supposed" to be.
Demanding that life meet our expectations
is a sure fire recipe for a miserable existence.
Life is a game with no rules.
Life just happens to us regardless of our best intentions.
Our only path to happiness lies in being open
to receiving whatever life throws at us -
with Gratitude. Have NO Expectations of life.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

For a happy marriage,
love and accept your spouse just the way they are.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

I have just three things to teach:
simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
- Lao Tzu

Hold on... Joyfully.
Holding-on does not have to be
a desperate teeth-gritting kind of holding-on.
Holding-on can be a joyful
"this is just the nature of Life,
so I may as well enjoy it"
kind of holding-on.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Well, it seems to me that the best relationships -
the ones that last -
are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship.
You know, one day you look at the person
and you see something more than you did the night before.
Like a switch has been flicked somewhere.
And the person who was just a friend is...
suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with.
- Dana Scully

Intense love does not measure, it just gives.
- Mother Teresa

Love is like a beautiful flower
which I may not touch,
but whose fragrance makes the garden
a place of delight just the same.
- Helen Keller

What if we just acted like everything was easy?
- Mary Anne Radmacher

Just Do it!
- Nike ad

The difference between men friends and women friends
is that men tend to do things together,
women tend to just be together.
- Art Jahnke

Make sure you never, never argue at night.
You just lose a good night's sleep,
and you can't settle anything until morning anyway.
- Rose Kennedy

People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness.
Just because they're not on your road
doesn't mean they've gotten lost.
- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

We did not change as we grew older;
we just became more clearly ourselves.
- Lynn Hall

Well excuse me - we've got something
a little unusual going on here -
time travel, parallel universes,
or just a little common ordinary insanity.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Touch me in the morning
Then just walk away
We don't have tomorrow
But we had yesterday
- Ron Miller/Michael Masser

Sometimes I lie awake at night and ask "Why me?"
Then a voice answers "Nothing personal,
your name just happened to come up. -
- Charlie Brown, in Charles M. Schulz' cartoon Peanuts

I'm just preparing my impromptu remarks.
- Winston Churchill

Death is just life's next big adventure.
- J. K. Rowling

Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do.
Don't bother just to be better than
your contemporaries or predecessors.
Try to be better than yourself.
- William Faulkner

Stress is always waiting
just outside your door
like a vicious wild-dog.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Dumbo! C'mon, fly! Open them ears!
The magic feather was just a gag!
You can fly! Honest, you can!
- Timothy Q. Mouse in the movie Dumbo

Never give up, for that
is just the place and time
that the tide will turn.
- Harriet Beecher Stowe

Happiness is a butterfly, which, when pursued,
is always just beyond your grasp,
but which, if you will sit down quietly,
may alight upon you.
- Nathaniel Hawthorne

The best of a book is not the thought which it contains,
but the thought which it suggests;
just as the charm of music dwells not in the tones
but in the echoes of our hearts.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes

Life is a nurturing mother,
when you just remember to say "thank you."
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

You remember lesson about balance?
Lesson not just karate only. Lesson for whole life.
Whole life have a balance. Everything be better. Understand?
- Miyagi: character in the movie Karate Kid

Don't bother just to be better than
your contemporaries or predecessors.
Try to be better than yourself.
- William Faulkner

Being wakeful in each and every moment of your life is meditation.
The simplest definition of meditation is:
when seeing, just see; when hearing, just hear.
- Josh Baran

Anyone who conducts an argument by appealing to authority
is not using his intelligence; he is just using his memory.
- Leonardo da Vinci

If you are absolutely without mind,
just pure consciousness,
time stops completely,
leaving no trace behind.
- Osho

Improve what you can
and accept all the rest of life
just as it comes.
Know that fear is your worst enemy -
perhaps your only enemy.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Life just happens - enjoy it anyway.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

A friend is someone who understands my past,
believes in my future,
and accepts me just the way I am.
- Anonymous

You don't need a reason to be happy,
just a choice.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

You can have anything you want in life if you
just help enough other people get what they want.
- Zig Ziglar

What if we just pretended that life was easy?
- Mary Anne Radmacher

A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing.
- William James

You're just left with yourself all the time,
whatever you do anyway.
You've got to get down to your
own God in your own temple.
It's all down to you, mate.
- John Lennon

I'm not a genius.
I'm just a tremendous bundle of experience.
- R. Buckminster Fuller

People should think things out fresh
and not just accept conventional terms
and the conventional way of doing things.
- R. Buckminster Fuller

When you're drowning, you don't say,
"I would be incredibly pleased if someone
would have the foresight to notice
me drowning and come and help me,"
you just scream.
- John Lennon

Mostly, it is human to dislike surprises -
often with great intensity.
Be open to new ways;
sometimes newness just knocks on our door;
welcome it.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

The magic words for a great family are,
"I love you just the way you are."
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

And you would accept the seasons of your heart
just as you have always accepted
that seasons pass over your fields
and you would watch with serenity
through the winters of your grief.
- Khalil Gibran

Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.
- Dave Barry

Just remember, after they foreclose on your mortgage,
you get a lot more sunshine in your life.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Even if you're on the right track,
you'll get run over if you just sit there.
- Will Rogers

One can flow harmoniously with the River -
or one can struggle fearfully against the River -
and the River just flows.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

When life gets you down -
just put on your big girl panties and deal with it.
- Anonymous humor

Just as a candle cannot burn without fire,
men cannot live without a spiritual life.
- The Buddha

Remember, happiness is just a teardrop away.
- the movie Shrek 2

Every time you hear a bell ring,
it means that some angel's just got his wings.
- It's a Wonderful Life (1946 movie)

Could you risk believing that everything
will unfold just fine if you completely let go
of all concern about everything else,
and simply are here, now - if only for a moment?
- Dmitri Bilgere

The way I see it, it doesn't matter what you believe,
just so you're sincere.
- Linus Van Pelt in Charles M. Schulz' Go Fly A Kite, Charlie Brown

As for accomplishments,
I just did what I had to do as things came along.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Grace isn't just a little prayer
you say before receiving a meal.
It's a way to live.
- Jackie Windspear

Without zest, what is life?
Just waiting for death?
- Osho

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All materials & writings are copyright © Jonathan Lockwood Huie, except for quotes and other specifically identified material which belong to their respective copyright holders if applicable.