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Welcome to these Chaos Quotes from my large collection of Love Quotes and Sayings. Please enjoy these Quotes about Chaos and Love.
In the midst of the flurry - clarity.
In the midst of the storm - calm.
In the midst of divided interests - certainty.
In the many roads - a certain choice.
- Mary Anne Radmacher
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Let me bring peace into moments of chaos.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Chaos is inherent in all compounded things.
Strive on with diligence.
- The Buddha
In the midst of movement and chaos,
keep stillness inside of you.
- Deepak Chopra
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In all chaos there is a cosmos,
in all disorder a secret order.
- Carl Jung
Know that you hold the power to
bring peace into moments of chaos.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
I bring Peace into moments of chaos.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
If your tendency is to make sense out of chaos, start chaos.
- Carlos Castaneda
It is important to do what you don't know how to do.
It is important to see your skills as keeping you
from learning what is deepest and most mysterious.
If you know how to focus, unfocus.
If your tendency is to make sense out of chaos, start chaos.
- Carlos Castaneda
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance,
chaos to order, confusion to clarity.
It can turn a meal into a feast,
a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
Gratitude makes sense of our past,
brings peace for today,
and creates a vision for tomorrow.
- Melody Beattie
Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm,
but willing to draw blood in its defense.
- Mark Overby
Love is serene and calm
- Erica Jong
Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit.
Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever,
even if your whole world seems upset.
- Saint Francis de Sales
There are some things you learn best in calm,
and some in storm.
- Willa Cather
Remain calm, serene, always in command of yourself.
You will then find out how easy it is to get along.
- Paramahansa Yogananda
My life is the eye of the hurricane -
an island of calm in a sea of uncertainty.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Fear cannot be banished, but it can be calm and without panic;
it can be mitigated by reason and evaluation.
- Vannevar Bush
Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.
- Publilius Syrus
Calm provides clarity. Pause to consider
the gifts you have been given,
the difference you have made
and the direction in which you are headed.
- Anonymous
Our mettle is tested by storms,
not by calm.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
In the midst of the flurry - clarity.
In the midst of the storm - calm.
In the midst of divided interests - certainty.
In the many roads - a certain choice.
- Mary Anne Radmacher
Learn to be calm and you will always be happy.
- Paramahansa Yogananda
I was so jazzed about sobering up
and starting a new life;
I had to stop at a bar
to get a drink just to calm down.
- the television series Glee
The most intense conflicts, if overcome,
leave behind a sense of security and calm
that is not easily disturbed.
It is just these intense conflicts
and their conflagration
which are needed to produce
valuable and lasting results.
- Carl Jung
We are composed of self-contradictions.
Each of us is loving in some moments - hateful in others.
Patient and calm sometimes - harried by urgency at others.
Understanding - and self-absorbed.
Reassuring - and sarcastic.
Generous - and greedy.
Trusting - and jealous.
Comforting - and snappish.
Original - and stuck in a rut.
Thankful - and needy.
Forgiving - and vengeful.
Nurturing ourself - and stuffing ourself with fast food.
Honoring our bodies - and overstressing.
Being Joyful - and Suffering.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Timid men prefer the calm of despotism
to the tempestuous sea of liberty.
- Thomas Jefferson
The River of Life flows without emotion.
The River surges. The River quiets.
The River overflows its banks. The River dries to a trickle.
The River swirls and storms. The River becomes calm.
The River runs clear. The River runs dark with silt.
The River is indifferent to what benefit
or what harm is caused by its water.
The River is the River, and that is all there is to it.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
The language of excitement is at best picturesque merely.
You must be calm before you can utter oracles.
- Henry David Thoreau
I think one of the finest gifts I can give
my friends in the holiday season is to pause
with a long enough quality to actually SEE them.
My calm, unhurried presence communicates
this gift of a message, "I see you. I recognize you.
I remember our times of together
and am contributing right now to another quality memory.
I value you and honor and take the time,
right this moment to pause long enough to truly notice you."
- Mary Anne Radmacher
The magic words for a great relationship are,
"I love you just the way you are."
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
If (s)he's an apple and you're an orange,
celebrate your differences -
make a great fruit salad.
Love isn't about being the same -
it's about being sweet with each other.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Love does not claim possession, but gives freedom.
- Rabindranath Tagore
Lord, grant that I might not so much
seek to be loved as to love.
- St. Francis of Assisi
Love one another but make not a bond of love.
Let it rather be a moving sea
between the shores of your souls.
- Khalil Gibran
Love comforteth like sunshine after rain.
- William Shakespeare
True love is a process of co-creation
in which neither feels ownership or superiority.
Jealousy is a highly destructive force
for love and relationships.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Love is the flower you've got to let grow.
- John Lennon
Where There is Love, Nothing is Missing.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Darkness cannot drive out darkness;
only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate;
only love can do that.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Where there is great love,
there are always miracles.
- Willa Cather
Love me when I least deserve it,
because that's when I really need it.
- Swedish Proverb
Life is a reflection of intent.
Love reflects love.
Hate reflects hate.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Use the power of your word
in the direction of truth and love.
- don Miguel Ruiz
The greatest lovers are like twin blooms,
each reflecting the passion and the glory of the other.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
To the people who love you,
you are beautiful already.
This is not because they're
blind to your shortcomings
but because they so clearly see your soul.
- Victoria Moran
Love Without Limits.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
This day I will marry my friend,
the one I laugh with, live for, dream with, love.
- Anonymous
I have found that if you love life,
life will love you back.
- Arthur Rubinstein
We are not held back by the love we didn't receive in the past,
but by the love we're not extending in the present.
- Marianne Williamson
Hate is never conquered by hate,
Hate is only conquered by love.
- The Buddha
Love is when the other person's happiness
is more important than your own.
- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
You know that place between sleeping and awake,
that place where you can still remember dreaming?
That's where I'll always think of you.
- James M. Barrie
Know the power and the peace of saying,
"I love you just the way you are."
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Love means not ever having to say you're sorry.
- Erich Segal
Love is the veil between lover and lover.
- Khalil Gibran
Love is the absence of judgment.
- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
Love is an endless mystery,
for it has nothing else to explain it.
- Rabindranath Tagore
Love is a friendship set to music.
- Joseph Campbell
Oh, 'tis love, 'tis love that makes the world go round.
- Lewis Carroll
Love is of all passions the strongest,
for it attacks simultaneously the head,
the heart and the senses.
- Lao Tzu
Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth
until the hour of separation.
- Khalil Gibran
At the beginning and at the end of love,
the two lovers are embarrassed to find themselves alone.
- Jean de la Bruyere
Love is being stupid together.
- Paul Valery
Do you love me because I am beautiful,
or am I beautiful because you love me?
- Oscar Hammerstein II (Cinderella)
Love doesn't just sit there like a stone;
it has to be made,like bread,
remade all the time, made new.
- Ursula K. Le Guin
Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth
or burn down your house, you can never tell.
- Joan Crawford
I Dream This Day of Wondrous Things,
of Peace and Hope and Pride.
I Dance My Dance with Life Today,
I'm Filled with Love Inside.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Your task is not to seek for love,
but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself
that you have built against it.
- A Course In Miracles (commonly misattributed to Rumi)
Love sought is good,
but given unsought is better.
- William Shakespeare
Do all things with love.
- Og Mandino
I have the right to love many people at once
and to change my prince often.
- Anais Nin
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